To help awaken and discover the “latent” leadership quality in students. As it has been made known to us during past PTA meetings, that the initiative will allow the student who comes first to serve in the capacity of the director of the school for a day.
It is also aimed at creating a positive and constructive competition among the students.
It is also of the intent that the participating students will have the privilege to proof themselves in a most dignified way relevant and consistent with the (academic) atmosphere of the school.
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Qualification for Participation:
Application is limited to students in SSS2 and SSS1 classes of Crowe International Schools. Such students must be among the TOP FIVE in his/her class.
- Candidates shall be tested in a written (though tactical and critical) examinations based on what they know, ought to know and have been taught.
- Candidates who make it through this stage will then have an oral interview whose panel shall consist of all the institute’s staff.
- The one who makes it by scoring the highest will be crowned the A-Director.
Other Benefits:
- The winner shall be highly decorated with honour as befitting a director.
- He/she shall be conveyed to/from school in an official car plus security guards and entourage.
- He/she shall be enlisted among the names of the directors that’d ruled the college before and after him.
- He/she shall be given a cash price of a reasonable amount, and many other benefits.