Her Royal Highness, Queen Firdaus of Oluwoland, has been honoured as the grand matron of the Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement.

Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement is an Islamic group founded by popular Islamic Cleric, Sheikh Muideen Ajani Bello. The members of the Islamic group and Sheikh Muideen Ajani Bello visited the palace of Oluwo on Friday; July 22, 2022 to honour Queen Firdaus.

Queen Firdaus Becomes the Grand Matron of Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement


His Imperial Majesty, Oba AbdulRosheed Adewale Akanbi, is the president general of Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement.

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The Ameerah of the Islamic group and her members happily honoured Queen Firdaus as the Grand Matron of Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement.

Queen Firdaus Becomes the Grand Matron of Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement

The Ameerah then said it will be a pleasure to receive Queen Firdaus occasionally in their amidst when they have special programmes. She thereafter turbaned her royal highness and crowned her as the grand matron of the Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement.

In her words, Queen Firdaus, thanks the Islamic group founder, Ameerah and the members for honouring her as the grand matron of the Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement.

Her Royal Majesty further shows appreciation by presenting a gift to Sheikh Muideen Ajani Bello and the Ameerah of Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement.

Queen Firdaus Becomes the Grand Matron of Allahu Moiy Islamic Movement

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