Abeeb Muyiwa AbdulAmeed popularly known as “Balogun Jorjor” has publicly declared his interest to represent the most populous ward in Iwo Local Government. Abeeb Muyiwa Balogun Jorjor was the former Federation of Iwoland Students’ Union President in 2018.
In a statement released, he declared his intention to run for a political post under the All Progressive Congress (APC) party at Isale Oba, Ward 3, Iwo Local Government. Let’s read the Declaration Speech of Abeeb Muyiwa AbdulAmeed (Balogun Jorjor).
Glory be to the Almighty for the little time spent on earth with a commitment to nation-building and community growth. Special regards to all progressive leaders and all fellows for the positive ideologies towards the growth of Iwoland to a greater empire.
My name is Abeeb Muyiwa AbdulAmeed popularly known as BALOGUNJORJOR. I hail from Fojugbagi’s Compound of Isale Oba 3 in Iwo East LCDA, Olomowewe. With honour and humility, I have served Iwoland with strength and sweat possible.
I have contributed in my little way to the growth of Iwoland through several platforms such as the Iwoland Students’ body, Iwoland Development Coalition (IDC), Iwoland Action Council (IWAC) and other actionary bodies in Iwoland. I am committed to Personal Development and growth through capacity building and community strengthening, knowledge-based, infrastructure and progressive policy-making.
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As a Students’ Union President, I have contributed directly to the students’ purpose in several areas and indirectly to the community through various agitations and people’s welfare-minded programs. The artifacts of the achievements are still lingering in various places and people of this land.
Since half a decade ago, I have actively complied with the diction of the All Progressive Congress and bears the allegiance with dignitaries representative and all obligation of membership to this party of Interest, APC. I have supported candidates and I have sponsored movements where possible, in order to propagate the positive ideology of the organization.
In regards of my close relationship and love for community building and people’s welfare, I see a reason to push up in my duty of being a voice for the masses and assist the community to the ElDorado, for my generation and the ones to come.
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Therefore, I, Abeeb Muyiwa AbdulAmeed popularly known as BALOGUNJORJOR hereby declares my interest to contest for the post of Councillorship of my ward, Isale Oba 3 at Iwo East LCDA, Olomowewe under the flying umbrella of the All Progressive Congress in order to actively voice my people’s interest and adequately attend their welfare in the best possible capacity.
I have been well commended at other realms of service and I promise to do better when offered this opportunity. I could fight the world with a hand, as long as I have you holding the other hand. Together, we can make a difference.
Kindly with your support, join me in taking Iwoland to the ElDorado.
Greater Iwoland!
Greater State of Osun!
Yes, Greater Nigeria!
Together at ElDorado