Apprenticeship and Schooling in Adolescents of Iwoland

Apprenticeship and Schooling in Adolescents of Iwo Land – The Aftermath of the Practice

Adolescents can be considered as any young person who is yet to attain the stage of adulthood with respect to the entire development spectrums of biological (neurological, anatomical and physiological), psychological, sociological, spirituality and age that he or she can be pronounced an adult.

Apprenticeship and schooling go hand in hand in the lives of many adolescents of Iwoland. However, this type of lifestyle has both merits and demerits on the life of the adolescent youths that are subjected to this lifestyle. There are several factors to be considered when a child (an adolescent) is to be subjected to a rigorous practice of this nature and in many cases. The parents of these young lads aren’t interested in what happens to the development of the adolescent child they’ve subjected to the community-oriented forced influence standard.

This practice is very common among parents who are not so well-doing. Not aware, do not observe the effects of their community and utterly uneducated. This is common in their lifestyle for one big obvious reason and that is the fact that they fear poverty so much that they want to develop their kids in a way they don’t have to rely on them (the parents) for anything

The adolescents can equally escape from the cycle of inability to provide that they (the parents) found themselves but the ugly thing is. These parents do not always know the entry time or know how to do any psychological follow up for their kids growing up in an insane environment far outside their watch.

Foremost, we should understand that the practice of subjecting an adolescent to the self-designed two-phased educational system of apprenticeship and schooling is and was fundamentally a design system to empower the adolescent child in other to be able to hold his or her ground in the future among his peers and in the society at large.

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As beautiful as this may seem, the danger behind this practice if not well monitored and systematically approached far outweigh whatever benefits that might come from it. A child, an adolescent is yet to be fully grown in all respect areas he or she is required to be grown and he or she factually do not know which is better for himself or herself and in many cases, these adolescents tend to flow with the peer pressure and the trends they found in the community because they are not so well always under the aegis of their parents. 


The benefit is simple and straightforward if this practice becomes successful and the young lad was able to scale through the entire processes of the practice, he or she becomes a more independent and capable individual in the society which gives a greater chance for success in life.

Apprenticeship and Schooling in Adolescents of Iwoland

An independent young girl or boy who already has handwork that can be practically done to earn a living does not have to become a burden to the parents or the society and in over ninety percent of the situation no matter what the age of the young lads is when they gain their freedom from their apprenticeship masters they’re considered grown and capable of living an independent life – a gross mistake that has cost them so much even the community cannot handle. 

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As much as this practice has brought many Iwo young adults males and females to their feet in the society it has done grave damages to many of them. In every ten adolescents that is being subjected to this practice only about three to four of them grow into an adult with a meaningful psychological, sociological, biological development and only about four of them successfully finish either of the two educations.

In many cases, these adults hold some very dangerous psychological perceptions about how life should be run for kids at the adolescence stage. They hold very awkward convictions about marital life and so many other important parts of life issues. In short, their view of life would have been so beaten by the insane society they’ve been predisposed and exposed to that a conversation with them will shock you of how much rot they’ve become in the course of their growing up. 


Apprenticeship and Schooling in Adolescents of Iwoland

Most of these people usually drop out of school, in many cases, the highest level of western education certification they do get is a high school certificate and they usually don’t have any plan to further their education.

The very scary part of this is that, they don’t only drop out of western education school systems, they also drop out of the apprenticeship education they were supposed to get. They don’t get to have proper knowledge of either of the educations they were initially projected for.

There are thousands of them roaming the streets with no proper education of either of the two educations they were supposed to get and they mostly go out of town into large cities where they in a large percentage become literally helpless to themselves. They’re in many cases lost in the course, groping from one job to another, and the female jump from one man to another; there lives basically become a nightmare.


Seven out of every twelve of the females of these people get married as early as in their teenage years and this is very disturbing to me. They get married basically because the society, their parents, colleagues and friends would have been seeing them as capable and independent enough to be married once they gain their freedom from their apprenticeship masters.

In fact, there is a local conventional term used for these young ladies and it is called “Free and Go,” which means once you have your freedom from your master you go straight into your marital life regardless of the age. 

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They are very much prone to jumping out of marriage the same way they jumped into marriage and they produce children that are rarely planned for.

As the popular saying, “The fruit is not far fetched from the tree,” the high rate of divorces and rarely planned childbirths is as a result of how the foundation of the marital life was created out of social influences. Lack of proper understanding and knowledge of living life. Lack of knowledge of the consequences of their actions and a lot more of awful personal life development. 


Apprenticeship and Schooling in Adolescents of Iwoland

This is the most dangerous part of the dangers that can arise and has arisen from this style of upbringing. Not less than two in every ten children that were subjected to this lifestyle without proper plans and follow-ups end up in the cities, doing whatever comes their way to survive, and worst cases, they’re totally lost to the society, they’re neither useful to themselves, to the society nor to their parents.

An absolute misdirection of life takes over them and they are lost to the course. This is so because they become less provided or taken care of by their people because they feel they have been empowered by being given an apprenticed handwork. Thus, in lieu of a way to make a living for themselves they usually head to cities to rub the responsibility of taking care of themselves off their chin. This brings the end to whatever they’ve apprenticed and school. 

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The list of the havocs this very brilliant but not well-planned subjection can cause can continue to go on and on but I’m drawing the curtain here.

As much as these are my personal opinions and theories of the situation with these people, I hold a strong stand about my opinions and theories and for these people and I respect them too. It’s not my intention to degrade them in society and I want everyone to respect them wherever they are found.

No one would have been any better if subjected to such a way of life. 

About The Writer

Olamide Yakub Lateef is 26 years old. I am Yoruba, I’m 5ft5 tall and I hail from Osun State and I’m an indigene of Iwo. I am an undergraduate student majoring in computer science at the online University of the People, CA, USA. I’m a lover of writing, I’m a poet and I love to take tasks the same reason I’m into programming.

I started conscious writing when I was a little above sixteen years old; that was when I first wrote my first poem. I’ve been writing since then, I’ve written many unpublished poems, short articles and few proses. I love to write because it’s the easiest way for me to relax after I might have written a few lines of codes in programming and by telling stories I feel like I’m building my very own universe.

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